google63d8ca50c2d7270d.html Robin Hood, Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Ben Mendelsohn, taxes, folk hero, movie review, podcast, podcast comedy, film review - The Good The Bad and The Boys

Episode 39

Published on:

18th Mar 2021

#039 - The Boys Give To The Poor

The band of merry boys finish up our occupy wall street-*cough cough*- I mean uh, Robin Hood discussion with 2018's flop of an interpretation, starring Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx.

This (mal)adaptation of the classic folk hero shows us such things as Ben Mendelsohn being visibly tired in another typecast vision role, Jamie Foxx as an Arabic Little John with an American accent, and costumes so well tailored they shatter any hope of immersion.

Hit the boys up on social media! Talk shop about all things pop culture, recommend things to review, or just steal our stolen memes!

For inquiries or to report me to Prince John for tax fraud...

Show artwork for The Good The Bad and The Boys

About the Podcast

The Good The Bad and The Boys
Join The Boys, Isaac and Terren as they journey into the wild frontier of pop culture and hunt for the best and worst film, television, and gaming have to offer. New uploads weekly.
The Good The Bad and The Boys is a podcast dedicated to uncovering the best and worst of what the wild frontier of pop culture has to offer; a land filled with glistening opportunity and devastating failure...

Join us every week with in-depth analysis, funny commentary, dead memes, and straight up roasts! Our mission is to explore all mediums of entertainment, or bust! You can follow us on social media to stay up to date about the show in the future. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe. Meet you out West, folks!

About your hosts

Isaac Sprague

Profile picture for Isaac Sprague
On a planet, in a country, in the state of CA, in the city of LA, in a tiny apartment lies a man with dreams of...well, Star Wars probably. Isaac J. Sprague is a performing artist from the 5280’ high state of CO. He graduated in the summer of 2017 from AMDA Conservatory, and has been seeking opportunities in Hollywood ever since. As a fan of about any fandom, from Star Wars to LOTR to Marvel/DC, he searches the vast universe of pop culture to bring the Word of Good Media to your front door and hopes to enlighten all who will hear the joyous content our society has to offer. And who better to join his quest than his long-term friend Terren (no matter how bad). We hope you will enjoy and learn something new with all that entertainment has graced us with!

Terren Coffey

Profile picture for Terren Coffey
Despite an outward persona of the seasoned man of the west you see before you, Terren Coffey might be the furthest thing from that idyllic archetype one could imagine. Currently studying cinematography and film production, Terren is equal parts a student of cinema and obscure fictional universe lore that could never be applied to the real world. He thought there was no better time to start a brand new podcast than the end of the world, so he quit his warehouse job to make the most of the apocalypse and started a pop culture show with his friend Isaac. We hope you enjoy what the boys have to offer to the never ending discussion of entertainment, and have as rootin tootin a time listening as we do creating!